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2024 BCA Research eAcademy Courses

Principles Of Global Macro | Global Asset Allocation |
Fixed Income | Geopolitics & Investing

For you and your team

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The BCA Research eAcademy focuses on teaching the analytical methods and investment strategies developed at BCA Research over the past 70 years for macroeconomics, sector analysis, and quantitative modeling through our online live courses. Participants in our courses learn techniques that will enable them to interpret data and important economic developments from the perspective of an investment professional.

Our Virtual On Demand Courses

Global Asset Allocation

A comprehensive course that deep-dives into Academic research which finds that markets are, to use Paul Samuelson’s phrase, “micro efficient but macro inefficient.

But CIOs, asset allocators, and investment professionals often struggle to find a practical way to construct optimal multi-asset portfolios

Global Asset Allocation

Credits: 6

Duration: 6 hours

Region: Global

Format: Web platform with video replays

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The BCA Approach To Bond Trading

This course explains the framework that BCA strategists use to recommend duration trades in government bond portfolios.

That is, it explains how we decide whether to buy or sell long-maturity government bonds versus cash.Examples used in the course focus mostly on the US, but the method can be applied to any country with some exceptions that are discussed in the course.

Bond Trading

Credits: 5

Duration: 5 hours

Region: Global

Format: Web platform with video replays

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Principles Of Global Macro

Macro directly impacts all financial assets. Yet the various relationships between the economy and markets are often overlooked or misunderstood by investors, leading to an increased risk of factors that undermine portfolio returns. The BCA Academy focuses on teaching the analytical methods and investment strategies developed at BCA Research over the past 70 years for macroeconomics. This virtual course qualifies for CE credits; please self-document your professional development with the CFA Institute.

Principles of Global Macro on Demand

Credits: 7

Duration: 7 hours

Region: Global

Format: Web platform with video replays

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Geopolitics & Investing

Geopolitical analysis has become an essential component of any sound investment strategy. Shifts in the balance of power away from the U.S., growing demands for populist policies in Anglo-Saxon economies, and the “crisis of expectations” among EM middle classes reinforce the view that geopolitical risk to investment portfolios is not a fad. This virtual course qualifies for CE credits. Please self-document your professional development with the CFA Institute.

Geopolitics and Investing

Credits: 4

Duration: 4 hours

Region: Global

Format: Web platform with video replays

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Coming soon

Bespoke Course

The Bespoke eAcademy brings our courses directly to your firm. Please call us to discuss your specific needs.

Our Instructors Meet Our Team Of Experts

Garry Evans
Chief Strategist, Global Asset Allocation

Garry is currently BCA Research’s Chief Strategist, Global Asset Allocation. Since joining BCA Research in 2015, he has headed the Global Asset Allocation Service as well as being involved in Emerging Market Sector Strategy. Prior to BCA Research, Garry was Managing Director and Global Head of Equity Strategy at HSBC, and Editor of Euromoney Magazine. He has a Masters in Asian Studies from Cambridge University and undertook postgraduate studies in economics at Kyoto University.

Matt Gerken
Chief Strategist, Geopolitical Strategy/US Political Strategy

Matt is BCA Research’s Chief Strategist, Geopolitical Strategy and US Political Strategy. He oversees the firm’s coverage of market-relevant geopolitical, political, and policy developments around the world. He has 16 years’ experience in the field and appears frequently in global news media. Prior to joining BCA in 2015, Matt worked as a Senior Analyst at Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting) and in a range of academic and publishing roles. He holds an MPhil from the University of Cambridge and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin.

Mathieu Savary
Chief Strategist, European Investment Strategy

Prior to his role in leading the European Investment Strategy, Mathieu was the BCA Research Strategist for The Bank Credit Analyst and Daily Insights. From 2016 to 2019, he headed BCA Research’s Foreign Exchange Strategy service. He has also served as Senior Editor of the Global Investment Strategy service and as a Research Analyst for the European Investment Strategy service. Moreover, Mathieu was one of the two developers of BCA Research’s “Principles of Global Macro” seminar, a course he still teaches to investors around the world.
Prior to BCA Research, Mathieu held the position of Global Macro Research Analyst with Brandywine Global Investment Management. Mathieu holds a BCom in Finance and Economics from McGill University, and the CFA designation.

Ryan Swift
Strategist, US Bond Strategy

Ryan is currently BCA Research’s Strategist, US Bond Strategy. Since joining BCA Research in 2010, he has held the position as a fixed income strategist. Prior to BCA Research, Ryan completed his studies in Finance. He holds an MSc in finance from Concordia University and a BCom from McGill University.